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Винь из Ханоя: петь как в последний раз!
SavaДата: Воскресенье, 30.06.2013, 05:03 | Сообщение # 1
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Представляем финалистов конкурса «Новая волна — 2013» Винь из Ханоя получает специальное творческое образование в Германии,
в Университете Hochschule f?r Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover.
Неизменно занимает первые места в различных музыкальных конкурсах.
С радостью спел бы дуэтом с Б. Стоуном — «на мой взгляд, очень
талантливым, настоящим музыкантом!». В свободное время любит слушать музыку и высыпаться. Один из любимых учебных предметов артиста —
композиция, потому что в ней можно творить! А вот история музыки,
безусловно, для юноши интересна, но в ней нет места креативности. Первой
музыкальный талант финалиста 2013 года заметила его мама. Фирменное
блюдо — жареный рис со свининой. Восторгается танцевальным стилем а–ля
Michael Jackson. С удовольствием читает произведения А. К. Дойла. В музыке любит все стили, но особенно ему нравится творчество
С. Уандера. Обожает летние каникулы. Винь рад любому подарку на день
рождения, но особенно важны здоровье и счастье всей его семьи.
Одно из главных стремлений в жизни — делать то, что ему по душе и
не сильно беспокоиться о деньгах. Кстати, первые заработанные деньги были получены парнем в ранней юности: Vinh играл на фортепиано
в галерее искусства. Пять составляющих в формуле достижения успеха
от Виня — талант, трудолюбие, способности, вера и удача. Пустыня Мохаве (штат Невада, США) произвела на музыканта неизгладимое
впечатление: «Очень горячо, пыльно и ветрено!» Хотел бы побывать в эпохе
60–х–70–х гг. XX века — из–за того, что именно в тот период играли
и создавали очень интересную, по мнению конкурсанта, музыку.
Один из любимых фильмов — «Вечное сияние чистого разума».
Прикрепления: 2231368.jpg (67.5 Kb)

"Новая волна -2006" 
"Новая волна -2007" 
"Новая волна -2008" 
"Новая волна -2009" 
"Новая волна -2010" 
"Новая волна -2011"
"Новая волна -2012" 
"Новая волна -2013"
'Новая волна -2014'
'Новая волна -2015'
SavaДата: Воскресенье, 30.06.2013, 05:05 | Сообщение # 2
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Сообщений: 650
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Пытается избегать ошибок. Хотя они помогают расти, уверен артист. В ближайшие пять лет Винь хочет написать хорошие песни, много работать
в студии и идти только вперед. Выбирал он для конкурса исключительно те песни, в которых ему творчески и музыкально комфортно,
те, в «которых я чувствую себя хорошо». Всем финалистам «Новой волны —
2013» вьетнамский музыкант желает самых лучших шоу и программ на сцене.
И при этом не забывать, что самое главное — это МУЗЫКА! И каждый раз
петь так, как если бы это было последнее шоу в вашей жизни, которое
всегда должно продолжаться!

"Новая волна -2006" 
"Новая волна -2007" 
"Новая волна -2008" 
"Новая волна -2009" 
"Новая волна -2010" 
"Новая волна -2011"
"Новая волна -2012" 
"Новая волна -2013"
'Новая волна -2014'
'Новая волна -2015'
SavaДата: Пятница, 02.08.2013, 00:40 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 650
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"Новая волна -2006" 
"Новая волна -2007" 
"Новая волна -2008" 
"Новая волна -2009" 
"Новая волна -2010" 
"Новая волна -2011"
"Новая волна -2012" 
"Новая волна -2013"
'Новая волна -2014'
'Новая волна -2015'
KgznfznlДата: Среда, 16.10.2013, 12:00 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Гости

But he always used to enthuse about players on the other half team.' Des captained Dublin to a All Ireland football success over Galway in 1963 while brother Lar, captured the Texaco Footballer of year in 1963. And Whelan having played with both at Vincents had great memories present in. 'I played with Des like his career.

Luis, 46, became president of Coach's international business during the past year after joining the ultra-modern Yorkbased company in 2006. Coach on Thursday appointed him president belonging to the company and chief commercial officer, and named him to your board. The management change provides Coach grapples by using a challenging global economy.

We also adding a dash of Beatles towards the present Olympicswatching menu, along with a little help from the latest vegetarian cookbook, "The Meat Free Monday Cookbook" (Kyle Books, $29.95, 240 pages), edited by Annie Rigg with recipes and prose by Paul McCartney and his awesome family and friends. A person may be a vicarious Brit without tea sandwiches, old chap, and we all used their concepts for creative sandwiches to craft newer wave finger foods. Including: balsamic onions, arugula and goat cheese nestled atop wholewheat toast and garlicky carrots and cilantro on hummusslathered sourdough..

Away from you, though. You might be a solitary traveller and nobody has come to satisfy you. Although that wasn't original plan, undoubtedly. No more mat drills in the Georgia Bulldogs, Richt announced Thursday, meeting the media ahead of spring practice. Were checking possibility of doing mats after spring ball, he stated, right now I uninterested in doing that. New strength coach Joe Tereshinski, there more weightlifting heavier weights and many more reps plus an increased increased exposure of nutrition.

Satellitetelevision provider, announced a partnership with Sony in the week that allows Playstation 3 slim users to stream up to a whopping 14 games each Sunday. For nonDirecTV subscribers, the entire season costs $339.95 1 year. Publicly traded cable and satellite companies lost accurate documentation 580,000 video subscribers within the second quarter, reported by data compiled by Bloomberg.

2. You desire to help prove Indiana maintain a pool of best basketball fans. There exists truth behind the expression Hysteria. It began, as all things the culture seems to be, with Oprah. To slave in her grandmother's kitchen. Besides, please note he collected whilst made the rounds for his small catering business, delivering chicken and baked goods to barbershops around Philadelphia, weren't compliments into the chef.
LlbafemjДата: Среда, 16.10.2013, 12:35 | Сообщение # 5
Группа: Гости

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In regards to third from the 1,380 daily newspapers now charge or attempt to charge readers for stories to their websites, somewhat offsetting losing in advertising revenue. This new York Times' circulation revenue, including its website, exceeds its advertising sales. Small and midsize papers "are seeing success also," the report says..

Isometrics program being with tons people. Managing includes furnished both of them famed doc running along with morsel easement middling to use. To acheive not surprisingly the most fade the sports liveliness with note to conditioning and also convenience, it toplevel to ornamented around the felicitous managing materiel this Nike may give.

"Man, I was willing to be back. We off for for instance a month and Ten days, and it's been crazy going out of your suspension on the injury," he stated. "I felt like if this wasn't the one thing, it was another. "May the legacy on your favorite son never be forgotten and actually inspire youth everywhere to remain champions in your life." Furlong then shifted to a more upbeat tone. "I believe Canadians tonight are stronger, more united, more all about our country even more connected to oneself than ever before," he said. He paid tribute to moguls skier Alexandre Bilodeau, winner of Canada's first gold medal at these games, and said for the final gold, won because of the hockey team, "Our 4g iphone will be remembered for generations." Rogge then pronounced the games closed, after describing them as "excellent extremely friendly." Neil Young, the durable Canadian folkrock star, performed a lyrical kind of his "Long May You Run" and the Olympic flame faded away due to the fact ended.

He was developed with Neurofibromatosis (NF), a nerve disorder lots of tumors to thrive anywhere in our bodies at any time and possesses endured brain surgery and the decrease of vision in one of his eyes. He was wearing blackrimmed glasses plus a bow tie and looked serious until he showed an enthusiastic sense of humor inside a television interview. His father called him his for a way he has fought the condition..

Chris Evdemon, somebody at the Innovation Works Development Fund, is quick to say that Apple machines are still mainly about status in China. He notes that the extent that status increases buying decisions for Chinese consumers varies according to which segment with the Chinese market you're talking about. Is typically driven by work and utility, usage in China is centered more around entertainment and gaming.
PiprvddwДата: Четверг, 17.10.2013, 09:54 | Сообщение # 6
Группа: Гости

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Crowds line the last turn from the course. Lex Albrecht (Optum) gets congratulations after her big win Francisco Mancebo (Competitive Cyclist) heads back in the finish. Chad Haga (Optum) prepared for the start of stage. Each content area ought to select a "game" for competition. Like, language arts could play a huge success type game, social studies could play a $100,000 Pyramid game, science could play a Jeopardy type game, Math could play a package or No Deal type game and test taking strategies could play one of the wheels of Fortune type game. Any game that asks achievement like questions will work.

Morgan scored twice to lift world No. 1ranked United states of america to a 30 victory over Canada's women's football team Sunday. From the Olympic semifinals, and the Canadians' first game back since they won bronze working in. First prize is $100, in addition to a $50 Anderson gift card. Second prize is actually a $50 gift card. Third prize is that you fired.

Unfortunately, I moved outside the city that had some Coach Outlets within an hour or two drive. Inside new town, a pair friends so i would use a day trip towards Coach Outlets and refill. Lately I have been previously looking for Coach Stores on the web.

We walked around the vast majority of island around five hours merely saw two cars. I'd personally highly recommend this island and guesthouse to anyone who wants to vacation for a 7 days. Well worth the trip from L . a ... But, please, don't call Gonzaga a bit of guy. Yes, it does not take small Jesuit school in Spokane, Wash., undergrad enrollment 4,900. Nonetheless is a basketball powerhouse.

From Norwich Union Norwich Union will be an insurance company in great britain. It is the biggest lifeinsurer the european union, and has a substantial position in car insurance policy. It is part of the Aviva group, itself produced by a merger of Norwich Union and CGU plc in 2000.

Thirtyfour years later, security is known as a fact of life around the Olympic venues. The safety in Turin is huge. I sure the athletes are rivaling the same resolve we did, because competitive instincts, strength of mind, and focus would be the ongoing gift for the Olympic athletes.

In addition to being it is in the western world, so it is in India. Only here, it's a good idea described as the Rakhi Sawant syndrome. Quite as Paris is dismissed as a silly little thing, Rakhi is routinely derided of our own media for a crass vulgarian, a talentless bimbo who might be good only for carefullyorchestrated publicity stunts.

(Derrick) Driscoe, as well as late Kathleen Marie (Richard) Leatherby, proud grandmother of Jill, Patrick, Brian, and Mathew Leatherby, Colin, and Graham Arneson, Christopher, and Conor Driscoe, cherished great grandmother of four, and great great grandmother of two. Maxine was a welder during WWII, she worked from a defense plant making ammunition boxes. At Countryside Funeral Home and Crematory, 95 S.
MfzftnjyДата: Суббота, 19.10.2013, 11:57 | Сообщение # 7
Группа: Гости

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Coconut OilLike making use of, coconut oil is wonderful for anything skinrelated, especially blemishes. It may sound counterintuitive, however it works. I like it to ACV since it smells delicious. The Gund brothers adopted orangeandblue colors finally, before using the team from Stepien. It symbolized a discount with the whole tradeembargo, fightpolka mess. Unfortunately, those uniforms were a knockoff in the Knicks' colors.

Opened acquire recruiting firm in the year 2006 to allow me the flexibleness to work from home turn out to be available for the children. I currently do exercises of home office and recruit nationally. Political and civic experience: Relating to volunteered on several boards in addition to assisted various other election groups for any state representative and senator campaigns last season.

Harrison, the former artistic director with the Sydney Theatre Co. Who also directed Spiegelworld's Vegas show, "Absinthe," is really a calming presence who demands a fatherly stance toward his performers. The act is perhaps the more risky due to tiny stage.

However, for my circle of friends and significant of Boognish lovers on the market it became additional than that. Passing across the "Super Ween Mix" eventually evolved into digging through record stores for rarities, trips to concerts and even a few Weeninspired tattoos. It pains me to convey I never might make it to an active show and here it seems as though I'll never will be able to cross that particular off my list..

Although not often. the United States, sharing one small housewith his parents and a older siblings, Kenjigallops from living room space to kitchen to bedroom and again. He watches Youtube music videos incessantly, and hubby hauls out a cutdown drum kit and pretends for being Ringo Starr.

"I don't know which you could either be on the court or be from the stands you can also be a part of that ceremony and not just be effected because of it," UConn coach Geno Auriemma said. "That's whatever the younger that you are, the more you're effected by it." Huskies players wore small patches at the front in their game jerseys with the letters "SH." The letters were white accompanied by a green background, the varsity colors on the elementary school located about 50 miles out of the XL Center. Plus, UConn bench personnel and more associated with the game wore special green and white ribbons.

Messages seeking comment with regard to the filing with the lawyers, Benjamin Andreozzi and Jeffrey Fritz, were never immediately returned Monday.The Mile filed its objections in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court on Monday, saying the lawyers' motion need to have been filed when using the Orphan's Court in Centre County, when the charity is headquartered. Its seeking dismissal located in part upon an argument that granting the lawyers' obtain an injunction would destroy being able to manage its affairs.Another Mile attached to the filing an index of assets that included $1.Two million in unrestricted cash, $5.2 million in donorrestricted cash and $3.3 million property value of real estate. Moreover it listed $1.8 million in liabilities, for the net asset total of $7.9 million.Also Monday, two lawyers who represented victims of your clergy sex abuse scandal from the Philadelphia archdiocese said they were hired by someone often known as Victim 1, whose allegation that Sandusky had sexually assaulted him in 2008 preceded the grand jury investigation.

Добавлено (19.10.2013, 11:57)
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Mister 50 says he intentions to keep shooting, and also the Cavs players are generally letting him listen to his struggles. "Talking Crazy," is definitely the exact term he used. The Examiner also examines these shooting struggles; DeShawn is in 32 percent since Gil and Caron transpired.

Minneapolisbased Buffalo Wild Wings Grill and Bar has opened at the center Pointe complex off International Boulevard in North Charleston (by the Tanger Outlet Mall). The restaurant's specialty is totally new Yorkstyle wings with a variety of sweet and savory sauces. Highway 41, often is the latest spot for the Michiganbased Beaner's Gourmet Coffee Shop..

Decide for yourself whether that's a good thing. The 24/7 environment it not just shrinking our attention spans, it's diminishing our sensation of outrage, too. The soaring rise in popularity of the NFL in your age of social websites is evidence of that. "We have got a few dozen sponsors now plus the site is definitely financing itself," he states. "Our sponsors get exposure for the Flyer and Local540 [a sister site allowing local business to bring about their own pages]. We all utilize various advertising and marketing tools (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr many recently, Instagram) to not only interact with the town, but also to develop our stories in order to help spread our sponsors' messages.".

Often is the first one which includes a national emphasis, said Martin Polley, an Olympic historian from the University of Southampton. In plenty of other areas of life, national identity and culture were arriving. Sport fit perfectly. If you are interested: William Mary (3), Delaware (5), Nh (10), Villanova (14), JMU (15), Massachusetts (25). ODU, Maine, and Rhode Island can be receiving votes. Nineyearold boy from Henrico was who have contracted Naegleria fowleri and ultimately died of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis.

However, any new sport can have depth problems in the beginning. There wasn't much parity in men's hockey when Canada dominated several decades ago. Didn't even improve gold medal game in women's hockey on the 2006 Games. But, he explained, "I'm afraid that sometime soon we could eradicate Alawite dictatorship and get a Sunni dictatorship." He spoke on condition of anonymity using fear of retribution. The Kurds, Syria's largest ethnic minority, have tried use the security vacuum to generate their independence, often clashing with rebels who seek to "liberate" their areas. The opposition's political leadership, the Syrian National Coalition, didn't build ties with minorities.

BiotoTatPetДата: Понедельник, 21.10.2013, 19:57 | Сообщение # 8
Группа: Гости

Insomnia is a moderately not unusual sound asleep dysfunction, affecting approximately one-3rd of the grownup population worldwide. Insomnia is more commonplace in girls, but quality of sleep incessantly decreases similarly in each women and men and - buy ambien as we get older.

There are a number of things that may cause insomnia: tension (including anxiety approximately no longer with the ability to sleep), extreme temperature fluctuations, environmental noise or changes, medicine negative effects, hormones, or disruption to the regular sleep pattern. Melancholy, continual ache, a number of health issues and sleep apnea too can give a contribution to insomnia. Way of life can also have an impact on insomnia - research have proven that alcohol and caffeine consumption and smoking cigarettes prior to bedtime disrupts sleep, as can over the top drowsing within the afternoon or evening.
RlrzvhvyДата: Пятница, 25.10.2013, 17:23 | Сообщение # 9
Группа: Гости

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Lisa Vanderpump: The facts show star was saved until last. Would she dance? Undoubtedly she would! Clearly there was show time for them to fill! Host Brooke BurkeCharvet said Lisa decided "15 minutes" before she left on. Lisa said the most suitable year of her lifetime was when her daughter, Pandora, enter wedlock 2011.

Gavin Patterson, us president of BT Retail, said the FA Cup is "one on the truly great club football competitions". He happened: "We are thrilled to generate our viewers the incredible stories of passion, and victories against all odds, that pepper historical past of the competition. I am sure fielding a superb lineup of presenting talent to showcase and analyse lots of the action.".

Volkswagen announcing today that it can be one thirteen Jetta hybrid driven by amongst the folks at motor trend. Recorded a speed of 185. Point 394 miles per hour at the Bonneville salt flats. In May, Spain's Guardia Civil cracked a child smuggling ring since the 1970s and 80s. On the Spanish enclave of Melilla in Morocco, babies seemed to be sold for approximately one 6,000 euros to wealthy Spanish families who couldn't have children. It will be the latest in a series of Francoera 'stolen babies' scandals who have emerged since 2010.

That you are incapable and unwilling to efficiently perform a league that has benefitted from tremendous fan loyalty throughout nearly all of its history and favorable (and unprecedented) antitrust legislation. Your cooking belonging to the books could make Enron blush with envy, while your monopolistic tendencies will likely make Microsoft blush with jealousy. Your utter disregard and disrespect in the fans makes Albert Belle seem as if Mother Teresa..

Godefroy was named to your communications job in January, section of a second change by Pm Laurent Lamothe since he became Haiti's No. 2 official in May. She previously seemed to be director on the country's postal service. We are among the most people pulling their children out of the Cedartown Rec dept. Right after the end of the season. My girl plays softball together with the rec director only scheduled us for 9 games plus they're scattered out all over the place between now and can even 22.

Of these two party fouls you've got called on Danny Amendola's enthusiastic touchdown spike, the fact that he attained with a 3313 deficit for the Minnesota Vikings wasn't his most egregious. Normally, celebrating that you just pledged the NFC Championship in a very game where your playoffhunting team becomes run out of your building is how can i put this? uncouth. But that was nothing compared to the Amendola's other error..
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