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Второй день "Новой волны 2013": лидером остается кубинец
SavaДата: Пятница, 26.07.2013, 00:30 | Сообщение # 1
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25 июля на Международном конкурсе молодых исполнителей популярной музыки "Новая волна-2013" прошел второй конкурсный день. Лидером среди
конкурсантов остался кубинец Роберто Кел Торрес.До начала конкурсной борьбы состоялся традиционный концерт членов жюри. Мэтры шоу-бизнеса дали мастер-класс конкурсантам, зрителям в зале и
многомиллионной телеаудитории.Конкурсанты исполнили хиты своей страны вместе с участниками "Новой волны" предыдущих лет. Конкурсную часть концерта открыл дуэт
представительницы Германии Линды Теодосиу и российской певицы Анастасии
Стоцкой – девушки исполнили рок-балладу Wind of change.

Наш Петерис Упелниекс вместе с Liene Candy спел "Любовь настала" – песню на музыку Раймонда Паулса и стихи Роберта Рождественского.Завершил второй конкурсный день Роберто Кел Торреса и финалистки "Новой волны–2010" Габриеллы из Бразилии. Кубинец и Габриелла исполнили
Besame mucho. Роберто снова стал лидером конкурсного дня, получив только
одну "десятку" от Леонида Агутина.

MIX TV перед концертом удалось побеседовать с продюсером и певцом Брендоном Стоуном: "Дуэты в конкурсе впервые! Я выступаю с конкурсантом
из Вьетнама – мы будем петь "Подмосковные вечера" - собираемся покорить
вьетнамских слушателей".За нашего Петериса Упелниеса болела его коллега по сцене Liene Candy: "Главное, чтобы Тото Кутунье опять не поставил 8 баллов".

Известный продюсер и создатель групп "Любэ" и "Иванушки International" Игорь Матвиенко внезапно раскрыл нашим журналистам секрет
борьбы с похмельем: "Afterparty посещаю, пока хватает здоровья. Однако
после вечеринок всем советую следующее – рюмку водки натощак и три
сигаретные затяжки".

Признаниями съемочную группу телеканала MIX TV продолжил радовать один из участников группы "Инь-Ян" Сергей Ашихмин."Никому и никогда не отказываю в фото. Самому в детстве нравились Олег Газманов и Сергей Жуков из группы "Руки вверх" – с ними, конечно, тоже есть совместные фото. Вообще, период группы "Руки вверх" самый романтичный в моей жизни", – признался нам Ашихмин.
По его словам, на эту "Новую Волну" он приехал, чтобы поддержать конкурсанта из России – Арсения Бородина.

"В этом году конкурсанты очень сильные, – отметила в интервью MIX TV музыкальный продюсер Яна Рудковская. - В первый конкурсный день всех
удивили харизматичный кубинец Роберто Кел Торрес, российская группа
"Фрукты" – их уже знают и любят. Также поразила грузинка Саломе
Катамадзе".По окончании вечера член жюри "Новой волны" Константин Меладзе сказал MIX TV, что, по его мнению, вопрос с победителем конкурса уже решен - и это Роберто Кел Торрес. Хотя, конечно, третий конкурсный день все-таки
может преподнести сюрпризы.

25 июля 2013 года, 23:10

"Новая волна -2006" 
"Новая волна -2007" 
"Новая волна -2008" 
"Новая волна -2009" 
"Новая волна -2010" 
"Новая волна -2011"
"Новая волна -2012" 
"Новая волна -2013"
'Новая волна -2014'
'Новая волна -2015'
VzdhsbqbДата: Вторник, 15.10.2013, 16:27 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Гости

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Kelly is a great person of having around the team. She wasn't someone who was located in their room reading a magazine. She also had this massive determination to win lumber is often numerous injuries she suffered. "This has many of the components of a very good fundraiser: a pleasurable concept, a catchy name and, also, a really worth cause. How could we not use this?" said Sheriff Coffey. "I happen to have been a lot of places inside law enforcement career but see the top of ChickfilA to collect donations for Special Olympics may be a first at this time looking forward to it.

The preceding butternut squash and pumpkin soup tasted delectably creamy. Clearly there was plenty more, including pumpkin or pecan pie with Chantilly cream for dessert. We picked a $56 bottle of Storybook Mountain Mayacamas Range Napa wine, worth spending remains returning to our room..

On Monday, police said a car bomb struck a military patrol not far from the positioning of Tuesday's blast, wounding eight people. Another bombing Monday near your backyard market at a Shiite neighborhood on Baghdad's outskirts killed four.In Iraq's north, obama of the country's selfrule Kurdish region urged Kurds in neighboring Syria to live united and not let political differences devolve into violence.Please note by Massoud Barzani, posted Monday evening over the regional government's website, specify growing concern in Iraq that infighting among Syrian Kurds could complicate that country's civil war and risk destabilizing Iraq's Kurdish region. Syria's Kurds are generally solidifying handling of territory their homes amid the tumult within the conflict.Barzani in the summer brokered a partnership between rival Kurdish Democratic Union Party together with the Kurdish National Council, the principle Kurdish umbrella group, in Syria to jointly control Kurdpopulated areas together..

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Much more about what they need from me, Summitt said. A little more about working and managing as well as open communication. Should the dialogue possibly there is on a daily basis, and they understand you challenging and pushing them as you see more inside than they see improve the that my job.
LlbafemjДата: Четверг, 17.10.2013, 09:41 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Гости

Jabhat alNusra claimed the primary bombing, though many suspected your regime planned the bombings to show the Ismailis against the uprising. Indeed, many residents blamed the neighborhood activists for bringing world war 2 to what had been a peaceful city, he said. The activist still props up the uprising.

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Is a great ride, SMC head coach Jeff Brookman said. Finish it in such a manner, recognizing this special group as well as what it accomplished, was tremendous. To own mayor here presenting us using this proclamation was very special. Hamill's bobbed hairstyle was widely copied and then she still commands more than $25,000 for speaking engagements more than Many after her Olympic win.Linda who?But recall Linda Fratianne? A modern of Hamill's, she'd arguably a greater career, winning everything figure skating championship twice to Hamill's once. But at her only Olympics, 1980 in Lake Placid, she finished second. Nobody's paying Linda Fratianne $25,000 to chat at their annual convention.Or Rosalynn Sumners, world figure skating champion in 1983 and Olympic silver medalist back in 1984.

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The celebrations were galore. There's a choreographed dance into the song "What it Takes" from Camp Rock. An altered version of the 198586 Chicago Bears "Super Bowl Shuffle", now termed as "Carmel Greyhounds Shuffle". Bailey was one of five Broncos' starters injured through the lopsided loss. Defensive end Derek Wolfe sustained the most serious injury while he was hit from the head and neck in the the first quarter. Wolfe was immobilized, driven heli-copter flight field inside an ambulance and brought to a hospital, where both Xrays plus MRI were negative.

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"He the captain of these team, and in addition we follow his lead," Lamar Odom said. "Kobe may be the first one in the gym, the last you to definitely leave. He lots of money . in the training, the last that you leave. Well before the Olympics began, a Greek athlete was booted heli-copter flight team for tweeting a racist joke. Triple jumper Paraskevi Papachristou tried her hand at humor by mocking African immigrants utilizing this type of doozie: so many Africans in Greece, the West Nile mosquitoes will be getting home food!!! After many hundreds of negative comments, she posted five apologetic tweets into 2 hours. Past too far.

PiprvddwДата: Пятница, 25.10.2013, 17:31 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Гости

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Former Colorado guard Kai Maiava is one among the 43 players on your preseason watch list for those Rimington Award given annually for the nations best center. Maiava used in UCLA three years ago and became the Bruins starting center. He and fellow former Buff Josh Smith will be reunited with some of their former teammates when CU travels to learn at UCLA in November..

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Bosh: Chris Bosh is the newest teammate for Dwyane Wade as well as Miami Heat. Madrugadadeconfesiones: "Late night Confessions" in Spanish. Pippen: People are claiming that Lebron has gone through a Michael Jordantype player (star player of one's team) for a Scottie Pippen (2) now that he has moved through the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat.

Добавлено (25.10.2013, 17:31)
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Once again the refereeing at these types of championships was of this highest standard. The young referees which is available from the Australian Rugby League Referees Association as part of the elite referees development program were outstanding in adjudicating the matches. It truly is with great sadness that any of us pay tribute into the passing away of Nick Euclid, former President for the QLDRA and part of the Executive of your ARLRA for his efforts at all levels of the game along with his particular support on the programs for the ASSRL both domestically and internationally.

The coat check "system" is rudimentary at best, and left us standing around for A few minutes before being seated, since the restaurant wasn't near full. The lounge, while not dreadful, may also be past its sellby date. The 60s/70s Jetsons architecture have been done finished with some soulless early90s gloss.

And it is facing an unemployment rate of 27 percent, issues which use hung over Madrid's candidacy. Madrid brought Jaime GarciaLegaz, Spain's secretary of state for trade, to hammer home the message that the city's bid is financially secure. He said Spain will likely have steady economic boost in the next incomes.

The most common injectors include collagen and autologous fat. Other widely used are acid hyaluronic preparations for example Restylane or Perlane. Major benefit of autologous fat injection is that it provided long lasting and sometimes permanent results.

"I said, 'Let me ride this.' He apologized but said he couldn't. I said, 'I know I am able to use this cart, in case not, how can you or someone take me around?' He explained, 'We can take yourself to a point relating to the course and drop you. Junior qualifier comes from a misunderstanding in the USGA Cart Policy at our championship events.

Well, it hasn't seemed to bother Joel Enebel, who had previously been asked about you showing to the Rose Garden and said, "I think it's totally up to him. You feel more detrimental him than you choose to do the fans." Plus it certainly hasn't irked Tyler Thomas, who added, "He's gotta do what he's gotta do. If he is unseen up for some time after, it's all right.

In case there are eight or 10 new faces again, Dirk may start auditioning for his future job as TV analyst. Of your joke, people. The Mavericks have to start keeping some play blocks around. When somebody is by the batter's box they want to feel comfortable, and once they are they might have a quiet mind before becoming aggressive. It's almost a paradox, but, in their mind, it's sacred territory."Whatever happens, should it be a foul ball or whatever, chances are they'll have seven to Ten seconds to relax and get back in their rut. And, in Ortiz's case, correctly he can stay inside of the moment inspite of 36,000 persons in Fenway Park chanting 'MVP!' He or she can address the first thing."The ability to conform to the surroundings is, actually while using moment inside a positive tactic is another.

kwx7otcz4a2Дата: Понедельник, 28.10.2013, 17:02 | Сообщение # 5
Группа: Гости

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