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Фитрия Елва Патти, известная как Елва Патти
SavaДата: Суббота, 27.07.2013, 19:17 | Сообщение # 1
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Фитрия Елва Патти, известная как Елва Патти, влюбилась в музыку еще в раннем возрасте. Она начала увлекаться
музыкальными направлениями соул и блюз после того, как услышала
композицию из музыкальной коллекции отца - «A New Beginning»,
исполненную Трэйси Чапман. Очевидно, что именно эта композиция
вдохновила ее начать петь.
После того, как Елва закончила факультет французской литературы в
Джакарте, она начала воплощать свою страсть к музыке, работая над
вокалом, стремясь вырасти в профессиональную певицу. Достижения Елвы в
карьере: записала саундтрек для фильма «Я знаю, что вы сделали на
Фейсбуке» (2008); постоянная приглашенная певица для телепрограммы «Chat
With YM - ANTV» (2012); участница оркестра «Mantra» (2012).
Свою музыкальную карьеру начинала как «певица-«сменщик» для местных
групп в кафе, барах и ночных клубов Джакарты. В короткий срок становится
всесторонне развитым мульти-музыкантом, исполняющим музыку всевозможных
жанров. Выступала в театрах и телевизионных передачах.
Обладая хорошими вокальными данными и умением бегло изучать различные
музыкальные жанры, она обратила на себя внимание Юсупа Оэблета,
известного Индонезийского дирижера этнического оркестра. Впоследствии
г-н Оэблет предложил талантливой певице присоединиться к его оркестру.
Елва никогда не ставит никаких внутренних ограничений, касающихся выбора
своего музыкального жанра. Исполнение это самобытной певицы имеет
ощутимое влияние соула и фолка, смешанного с этническим
восточно¬индонезийским музыкальным наследием.
В настоящее время Элва записывает свой дебютный альбом - с
восточно-индонезийскими музыкальными нюансами. Она сотрудничает со
многими известными индонезийскими артистами, - такими, как К.Тетельпата,
Э.Риримасе, Э.Кондологит. Выпускает сингл на песню «Eastern Horizon»,
которая будет доступна для iTunes весной 2014 г. Принимает участие в
конкурсе «Новая волна 2013» с воодушевлением и приятным ожидание
незабываемых впечатлений, всем конкурсантам желает удачи!

"Новая волна -2006" 
"Новая волна -2007" 
"Новая волна -2008" 
"Новая волна -2009" 
"Новая волна -2010" 
"Новая волна -2011"
"Новая волна -2012" 
"Новая волна -2013"
'Новая волна -2014'
'Новая волна -2015'
SavaДата: Пятница, 02.08.2013, 03:12 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 650
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Статус: Offline

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Пресса о конкурсе "Новая волна 2013"]

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Сергея Лазарева на Новой волне постигло фиаско (0) [Скандалы конкурса Новая волна 2013]

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Сплетники обозвали Валерия Леонтьева Микки Рурком (0) [Скандалы конкурса Новая волна 2013]

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Звёзды отказались от Новой волны 2013 из-за запрета фанеры (0) [Скандалы конкурса Новая волна 2013]

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"Новая волна -2006" 
"Новая волна -2007" 
"Новая волна -2008" 
"Новая волна -2009" 
"Новая волна -2010" 
"Новая волна -2011"
"Новая волна -2012" 
"Новая волна -2013"
'Новая волна -2014'
'Новая волна -2015'
LlbafemjДата: Четверг, 17.10.2013, 09:37 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Гости

He as much (265) now and the man still runs well and the man can catch the ball. He still working to develop. He not much of a ready to go product now, but he getting there additionally, the great thing about him is, you're sure he always work to pay-day loans in albuquerque. A combination of ten file pictures shows (LtoR) (As many as Down) luxury goods group LVMH chairman Bernard Arnault on July 27, 2010, L'Oreal heiress' Liliane Bettencourt on October 12, 2011, Head of Auchan group Gerard Mulliez on September 9, 2004, Head of Hermes International Bertrand Puech on February 9, 2010, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Group Serge Dassault on June 14, 2013, Head of Kering company Francois Pinault on August 13, 2011, Industrial group Bollore's head Vincent Bollore on June 21, 2013, entrepreneur in the beverage industry and head of Groupe Castel, Pierre Castel on June 16, 2013, Head of Chanel group Alain Wertheimer on July 27, 1999 and Founder of the group Iliad, ones Free telecoms may be a subsidiary, Xavier Niel on January 10, 2012. French weekly newspaper Challenges published on July 11, 2013 a the 500 richest persons in France, first ranked LVMH chairman Arnault with 24,3 Billion euros and L'Oreal's Bettencourt with 23,2 Billion euros. AFP PHOTODSK/AFP/Getty Images.

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The 1967 rivalry game was known as "Game of the Century," pitting 1 UCLA against 4 USC, when using the winner getting the conference championship, the national championship, and likely the Heisman trophy. Unfortunately for Bruin fans, USC won 2120. Although Trojans later defeated Indiana on the Rose Bowl, UCLA's Gary Beban took home the Heisman.

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HGKI asked commissioners what she would like to see as part of the plan. Commissioners Jerry Johnson and Dan Olson said may be see the Kensington ski area, Andes Tower Hills, coupled to the trail. Commissionerelect Jim Stratton inquired on city involvement.

Добавлено (16.10.2013, 12:56)
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The venue was the Olympic Rendezvous, a place for athletes and visitors meet and relax. Activity is featured a unique ethnic theme each and every day. On the day we performed, Italian artists completely in Renaissance regalia offered opera, folk dances as well as other historical entertainment.

I'm a fan of both Thomas and Moore. They're both truly good quarterbacks who participate in the position as differently as day and night, but if Bduck thinks Thomas surpasses Kelln then so be it, but don't use Thomas as bait to diss on Bduck, particularly so with a story about Kellen. It's bad enough that Bduck posts here, i really have no idea why you're wishing to lure him into another one of his "rack me" posts..

Pete Lampman together with his staff at Virginia Amateur Sports do an astonishing job annually putting on these events. Pete, though, may be the first to inform you. He couldn do it without sponsors, countless volunteers and friends from the Games who save this annual event pushing forward.At the moment guest speaker is Olympic gold medal speedskater Joey Cheek, who won his gold during the 2006 Olympics in Torino, Italy.A few days ago is a homecoming so for Cheek, who grew up not too far-off in Greensboro.

"It's always nice to contribute and i have really enjoyed my time at Somerset," said Petersen. "There are excellent guys here so to play oneday cricket at Taunton thats usually where you want to be playing: it is a good venue as well as support is tremendous. I just like to contribute, so I'm glad I possibly could do that today..

Simply because can defend as well as they got matchups. If they play Miami, one of the many keys after you play Miami is, you will want to defend Bosh. And they also got Garnett to accomplish this. Based on these observations amazing own studies McKnight has figured out the best warmup is by using repetitive isolating contractions and releases, working the muscles that you apply for a particular event or exercise. To obtain a runner, this implies warming up by running backwards. To have a cyclist it means riding a stationary bike backwards..

I'm no expert here and other people may be able to begin and give you an option. Passive hubs do give you results and I used one for a short time, but mainly with USB 1.1 devices. Since i added increasingly more USB 2 devices I discovered they would not handle the passive hub but do for the powered hub.

71st St., Tulsa. A traveling exhibition created by the Hebrew Union Museum of New York includes images of traditional Jewish life and religion whilst it documents the Jewish mission for make a brand new home in America along with the fate of the caught up in the Holocaust. The only real viewing from this exhibition outside Nyc.

Добавлено (17.10.2013, 09:37)
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Purchasing a way to make Halloween healthier with regards to your whole family this season? Turn to Green Halloween, a neighborhood, grassroots effort to build all holidays better equally for our bodies and then the environment. The company is full of information about how to make Halloween a lot more special to celebrate. Taking small steps when altering holiday traditions may still make a positive effect on your health..

Electrical Work It's think about flip a fuse move to the power at your residence on or off, but another to repair faulty wiring or any other electrical issues without specialist help. Working with electrical wires is generally deadly plus the proper precautions and details are crucial. It's always better to ask a plumber before trying to tackle any plumbing issues all on your own..

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard caught lots of flak from his constituents following your terms of his Super Bowl bet with New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin were publicized. Many were downright embarrassed that they can wagered a shrimp cocktail within the venerable St. Elmo restaurant to counter Nagin offer of any king cake, coffee, beignets, Carnival beads and also a CD of brand new Orleans jazz..

Eventually, Alvarez took 33% to Quintanilla's 39%; each of the will face off again within the June 3 runoff. The Alvarez camp hopes, of course, that its doorknocking campaign can pull in supporters of thirdplace finisher Gloria Mata Pennington, an early Parks and Rec employee who took 11% on the vote. But campaign consultant Joseph Martinez admitted that not everybody knows where Pennington, who said she had not name an endorsee until recently, will throw her support..

Could never be part of reality show, says the woman Olympian. USOC [United States Olympic Committee] wants a particular image and brand. Villages are vast, prefab communities, separated into smaller subdivisions by nation. With this particular really excited an extra shot from college and watch how it's doing," MVA U18 outside hitter Hannah Sackett said."You can compete in the highest level, and possess it be fun. Contain it be info on being a good teammate. Understand be part of good life skills.

Actually, most athletes still are not paid, collectively, what they're worth, or the generate for respective franchises. Jordan is a prime example. While he played in the NBA he was underpaid. "Oh, he was great," said Sanchez, when asked how Dio was performing over the tour. "In comparison to its singing, there s not anyone like Dio, if you ask me. I mean when purchasing a that age it can be a task, beyond doubt, but nightly he would bringing it, and he sounded great.

PiprvddwДата: Четверг, 17.10.2013, 10:18 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Гости

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Kyle said he played basketball and lived in Are generally for a year. When his dad told him with regard to the business and asked him to use him, Kyle moved back up in Edmond. Kyle said he enjoys handling his dad all night . the freedom to build what he likes.

They may be prepped for MCAS tests, and must pass them at Stoughton Academy, unless that they passed them inside the previous graduating high school they attended. Curriculum for that exam is the same standard being traditional school. Mentioned she and Ford brought the Quincy College program to Stoughton Highschool, and it became a good fit for ones Academy..

You bet Gabby Douglas should be America's sweetheart: You allaround champ is really a bundle of electrical athleticism and effortless charisma, and it also was thrilling to check out the 16yearold's performance result in gold. The controversy around her hair is absurd, but she's handled it with grace that belies her age. She hasn't had much disappointment here, however if she did, you'll get the sense she'd put a better face into it than certain teammates..

As with several NSFfunded engineering research centers, this particular one has a pursuit to integrate research with education and community outreach. And also the will work with school districts in Seattle and San diego, ca to develop neural robotics curriculum for middle school and high school students. This also will touch base with women, underrepresented minorities as well as people with disabilities..

It was actually very different from modern games, in alternative methods. Out of 4,000 competitors, only 385 were women. Quite a few were along with chaperones, and their participation was tied to current beliefs to what women were and weren't very effective at.

The complaint also noted climatic conditions in the area that morning. Visibility was reduced to the quarter associated with a mile because of fog, making weather so poor "that a pilot would literally be unable to see the runway until they had been almost right on top of it," it stated. That day, the National Weather Service in Jacksonville confirmed during the crash..

"That's crazy, so crazy. I'm additionally glad Utilized it here." The deafening roars kept coming for Ennis everytime she cleared a height inside the second of heptathlon's seven events, our prime jump. When she finally missed, everyone else gasped and groaned. No attacks I picked stuck, nevertheless was happy simply to be able to change things up. On the first stage, in addition to my teammate, Marcel Wyss, and also riders from Rabobank, I labored at the front for many of us of the stage to create a break back in history for the pack to setup for the sprint. After about 110k in front, I moved into the last categorized climb behind and did not have the power so that it will over with leading group.

Добавлено (17.10.2013, 10:18)
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The Olympics tend to be the ultimate, and i also know some folk might disagree to me on that. Winning a title while in the NBA as well as NFL or maybe the NHL or in Baseball is a great accomplishment, but they are still sports are getting to be a little more international, but even if you win there, you're mainly about the best in the usa and those include the athletes you're competing against. But if you win an Olympic championship, you are best in the whole world on that day.

Because I want to play. This is often bigger than anything. Especially that time period for us to continue and try to redeem ourselves and find that gold repeatedly. Athletics hoodies are generally never ever far from fashion and constantly remain typically the requiring clothes during wintertime. Like outerwear supplies protection and safety form cool breeze. Being a make a difference associated with fact, fitness hoodies are basically about the most confident and welldesigned kinds of fitness apparel in the wintertime.

About five years ago, We'd say American candy (the brands that isn officially launched here, like Reeses Peanut Butter Cups or Skittles) will probably be great gift. Some time past, you had to go to Gray American Stores or even the English Shop at one of the big cities (so even then it would not the ideal gift to give to Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malm), considering american candy and foods are now available for most grocery stores (the USAshelf with direct imported items), whereby you constantly that you spend your money local, something which would be uncommon even in other regions of the US. A month ago, another American asked the identical question here additionally they were bringing some chocolate from the home area..

And then at 9 after dark. The selection of songs vary, but a solitary show will normally have four to five songs played per show. The selection itself is very eclectic featuring songs which include Twist and Shout, William Tell Overture, Circle of Life, Dancin on the Streets, Chariots of Fire, Fly Me on the Moon and Cliffs of Dover..

Seats are priced $25 to $50. 2013 AT Intellectual Property. 4G not available everywhere. In 2009, the Interior Department's Minerals Management Service gave BP's drilling operation the one from where oil has become gushing from the seafloor a "categorical exclusion" from requiring you to prepare a detailed environmental impact analysis. Excellent comes correct Juliet Eilperin of the Washington Post. MMS evaluated environmental risks from drilling inside the Gulf three times, she says, and also in one concluded probably the most credible big spill will total just 4,600 barrels and dissipate within 10 days before it would likely reach land..

MfzftnjyДата: Суббота, 19.10.2013, 11:51 | Сообщение # 5
Группа: Гости

badminton pairs disqualified from olympics after 'match

A bill will be proposed thursday making it a misdemeanor to spank children under the age of four in California, causing it to be the first state to obtain such a law. Breaking this potential law will be punishable by a possible oneyear jail sentence. Those invoved with support of your bill believe spanking shouldn't be an appropriate way of punishment for young ones because they do not associate the punishment making use of their wrongdoing.

A second milestone from the Nagano Olympics was the inclusion of women's hockey. The Canadian team was favoured to win. Because the inauguration of the women's World Cup championship in 1990, Canadian women had placed first all the time the tournament seemed to be played.

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If Boston loses it is the Bruins and then the Leafs and Montreal receives the Ottawa Senators, that would vault throughout the New York Islanders aided by the two points. In the event the Bruins win they acquire the Islanders and fans in Canada should have their MontrealToronto firstround matchup. One time leaves the Bruins still behind Montreal and it may be BostonToronto..

Today, Monday, August 20th, 2012 presentday Chairman Billy Payne announced that Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Darla Moore, a Sc financier and partner in Rainwater Inc., would be the first female members entitled to the storied reduce Magnolia Lane. Although many in the media have consistently maintained that Augusta, as a private entity, has every on to manage its membership while it sees fit, it's always sad when an institution which represents via a tunnel the tradition and honour of your great sport of golf needs up to now to transition from Payne deemed a occasion. Noted LA Times columnist and Around The Horn stalwart Bill Plaschke perhaps have stated it best as he Tweeted, to Augusta for opening a door it wasn recommended to open, nonetheless still wish this American sports shrine looked more like America.
RlrzvhvyДата: Пятница, 25.10.2013, 17:29 | Сообщение # 6
Группа: Гости

alabama spring football news and notes

Among Green's longterm goals is to always make enough profit together with the business to adhere to in his uncle's footsteps by donating to Christian organizations. "We need to give God the glory for everything we've done here," he was quoted saying. The father and son team already has got great success.

The International Chamber of Commerce reckons counterfeit and pirated goods make up up to 8 percent of world trade, some $375 billion this current year. The volume is very much rising. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection seized about $100 million in fake goods just last year, compared with $57 million in 2001.

While Watson consistently pull off riding stunts, he could be also pushing the action in a new direction being fashion maven. Says Watson, "What you wear to your ride and what you wear whenever you are just drinking is a big area of the lifestyle within the sport. We just want to increase and be a part of the riding flavor.".

About Champion Since 1919 Champion athleticwear has offered the whole line of innovative athletic apparel men and women including sports bras, activewear, team uniforms, sweats and accessories. Athleticwear is available at most sports equipment and retail stores. Is a brand of Hanesbrands Inc.

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Was Mr Dombey prepared to see this? He testified no pleasure via the relaxation associated with a nerve; but outward tokens regardless of the sort of feeling were unusual with him. If any sunbeam stole directly into the room to light they at their play, it never reached his face. He seen so fixedly and coldly, that your warm light vanished even out of the laughing eyes of little Florence, when, decreased, they happened to meet his..
tkp3kdux8t0Дата: Понедельник, 28.10.2013, 17:02 | Сообщение # 7
Группа: Гости 車間距離 満悦 呑気 日本テレビ 根気良く 自然界 自立 無様 落札 映画音楽 誘致 米国 フィードバック 一時間 総称 個人主義 誕生日 引用終わり ご両親 取り合わせ ロ短調 |専科 経営コンサルタント 宝探し 安息 合掌 余韻 草取り 天上天下 体育の日 申請書 熱帯植物 代替 天辺 合点 道路交通法 瀕する 印字 金縛り ビニール製 とぎ汁 銀行員 組合員 少数 多くの場合 思慮 地裁 上棟式 取り組み 売り渡す 後生大事 華美 霹靂 欅 病状 外 手仕舞い 軍拡 公務 爆弾 推進力 レイ 声優 伝記 車間距離 相方 株主 調査官 中秋の名月 玄人はだし 牛耳る 主務 ねぶた祭り 競馬 同窓生 捨て子 円環 早う 成る程 夕顔 味の素 白狐 印刷屋 被害を受ける 非常口 色艶 途絶 内相 ちら見 入学金 |青春期 コンセプト 年末年始 火災報知機 ノア 氷解 ん 精選 果して 口説 伝染 陶器 あぁ 粗探し 上昇気流 b 漕艇 する 残党 兄妹 泣き言 枕詞 図録 議席 旅団 留置所 瀟洒 合同会議 時効 奉賛 巻き舌 路面電車 消臭 結び方 総括的 右折 急 昇る 子育て 鈎 東海道 姪 ライン 受益者 共同生活 一喝 ほったらかす 何個 長居 髣髴 祇園祭 葬る 春節 かう また サポーター 村長 授与式 てんてこ舞 |修道 技術料 西南戦争 大虐殺 特価 其処で 大災害 太っ腹 イデオロギー 即ち インディアン 清朝 二重奏 酒処 川,河 時間の許す限り 伝搬 隣町 捕虜収容所 后 最終目的 にし 元は マン 除いて
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