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Новая волна 2015 не в Юрмале. Форум » Финалисты конкурса "Новая волна 2013" » Финалист конкурса "Новая волна 2013" Айбек Бакытбеков, Киргизия » «Жашоо керемет»! Айбек Бакытбеков из Бишкека
«Жашоо керемет»! Айбек Бакытбеков из Бишкека
SavaДата: Воскресенье, 30.06.2013, 04:55 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 650
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Айбек Бакытбеков из Бишкека с 2008 года — студент музыкального училища имени М. Куренкеева, Награжден дипломом 2–й степени за участие
в международном конкурсе по эстрадному вокалу «Ыссык Кол — 2012»,
финалист конкурса молодых исполнителей Super Star, оба — в родном
Киргизстане. Большинство друзей артиста музыканты. Проводить время вместе для них большая радость: «Мы ходим в караоке–клубы, играем
в боулинг. А я еще киноман. Но в кинотеатры предпочитаю ходить один.
Сам не знаю, почему!». Айбек занимается фитнесом, плаванием, раньше увлекался баскетболом, боксом: «Наверное, если бы я не стал
певцом, то был бы, скорее всего, боксером». Все удивлялись тому факту,
что в школе творческая личность Айбек любил уроки математики: «Такое вот
критическое мышление, умение правильно решать задачи с цифрами и
в обычной жизни мне помогают! В школе я все предметы любил, оценки были
хорошие. И не помню, чтобы какой–то предмет мне категорически
не нравился». Когда мальчик учился в 5–м классе, его музыкальные
способности заметила учительница по музыке Светлана Анатольевна. «Сейчас
я уже работаю с продюсером. Дана Абдыбекова, как вторая мама, помогает
мне во всем». Семейные ценности и традиции крайне важны для Айбека: «Я как никто понимаю это… Потому что очень рано потерял отца.
Для меня самое главное — здоровье моих родных. И видеть маму с моими
братишками и сестренкой настоящее счастье! Я верю в Бога. Бог всегда
со мной и помогает мне». Айбек любит произведения Чингиза Айтматова: «Я
думаю, его „Джамиля“ — самый лучший роман о любви». В детстве мальчик
любил машины, хотел стать дизайнером. Свою первую любовь молодой человек
запомнил на всю жизнь: «Это случилось в первом классе. Мы учились
вместе, ее звали Диана. Я Диану любил, пока меня не перевели в другой
класс. А потом и там тоже влюблялся».
Прикрепления: 9302310.jpg (33.5 Kb)

"Новая волна -2006" 
"Новая волна -2007" 
"Новая волна -2008" 
"Новая волна -2009" 
"Новая волна -2010" 
"Новая волна -2011"
"Новая волна -2012" 
"Новая волна -2013"
'Новая волна -2014'
'Новая волна -2015'
SavaДата: Воскресенье, 30.06.2013, 04:56 | Сообщение # 2
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Сообщений: 650
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Айбек меломан, слушает самую разную — С. Уандера, Б. Макнайта, группу Boyz II Men, Р. Паулса, Д. Фостера, Б. Стоуна: «У этих композиторов
и исполнителей можно учиться вечно!». Его любимый праздник — Новый год:
«Ведь Новый год — это начало нового дня, года и всего в целом. Я всегда
накануне этого праздника подвожу итоги и строю планы на будущее». Парень хорошо готовит, иногда радует родных и друзей кулинарными изысками:
«Лучше всего у меня получается национальное блюдо — бешбармак (мясо
и лапша в соусе). Кстати, это блюдо не едят вилкой — только руками!».
Жизненный девиз для себя конкурсант придумал сам — «Делать все только
хорошее, в какой бы ситуации ты ни был». Первый свой гонорар молодой
человек заработал в кафе, куда его пригласили петь: «Я, конечно, был
счастлив, что меня пригласили выступить, а потом еще и заплатили
за работу 300 сомов — это около 130 рублей». Мечтает побывать в СССР,
чтобы «понять величие первого рубля». В подарок на нынешний день рождения, который у Айбека 11 сентября, он хотел бы получить… победу на
«Новой волне»! Свой первый альбом певец назовет «Жашоо керемет», что
в переводе означает «Все будет хорошо». «Смотрю „Новую волну“ каждый
год, но особенно впечатлил момент, когда А. Стоцкая босиком вышла
на сцену и спела „Вены–реки“ — у меня мурашки по коже… Каждый раз мы
с друзьями обсуждали конкурсантов, а тут я представляю свою страну,
и меня тоже будут обсуждать! Невероятно! Ведь каждый финалист „Новой
волны — 2013“ мечтает достойно выступить и представить свою страну
на конкурсе и в дальнейшем развиваться. И всем нам, конкурсантам, я хочу
пожелать здоровья и удачи!»

"Новая волна -2006" 
"Новая волна -2007" 
"Новая волна -2008" 
"Новая волна -2009" 
"Новая волна -2010" 
"Новая волна -2011"
"Новая волна -2012" 
"Новая волна -2013"
'Новая волна -2014'
'Новая волна -2015'
SavaДата: Пятница, 02.08.2013, 01:02 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 650
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"Новая волна -2007" 
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"Новая волна -2009" 
"Новая волна -2010" 
"Новая волна -2011"
"Новая волна -2012" 
"Новая волна -2013"
'Новая волна -2014'
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And she's not actually the oldest athlete for the Olympic swimming trials; Susan von der Lippe is 42. Along the track and field trials, pole vaulter Jeff Hartwig already has made the Olympic team, at 40. I called Indiana University kinesiologist Joel Stager, who was quoted with the NYT Magazine article, to discuss more about the trouble of age as well as.

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The colleges have 5 years to comply with the order or risk losing hawaii funding. Another seven high schools identified as the Warriors might be allowed to maintain their nickname all of which have to change mascots or graphics that depict Indians. An unknown number of elementary and middle schools may also be affected..

TAMPA (FOX 13) The crisis inside East has shifted the presidential race. President Obama and Mitt Romney are both touting astounding to make the right choices.Mitt Romney wife Ann made the case for her husband inside of a oneonone interview with FOX 13 political editor Craig Patrick.He asked her to list Mitt Romney toughest decision."I can advise you for sure just what most important decision was: to perform for this office. Considering that it not in this best interests, it's in the country interests, so he put our health and happiness ahead of how significant it is usually to get our country turned around," she said.If we asked Ann Romney to name the toughest decision Mitt Romney has available outside of politics, she stated it was circumstance leave Boston to start run the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics."He was using a very successful business, we had been doing very well.
KgznfznlДата: Среда, 16.10.2013, 12:05 | Сообщение # 9
Группа: Гости

"Well just in case we're sunk" said Tubby "How the hell would you like to open the tin and not using a tin opener?" Bris retorted laughingly. Bris were required to leave his post, while his counterpart took over, to fulfil Tubby's request. It was actually all a good laugh as Tubby imagined he would get marooned you are using island of some type.

Spoiler alert: Right after who actually won the gold medal in most of the abovementioned sports, as if they were a tv personality, I missed them. Every last time I activated NBC, the network was showing women's beach volleyball. Endless it. On June 2, 2011, Williams announced that she had tentative deals with place aided by the City of St. John's and True North to relocate the Manitoba Moose to St. John's, next week City Council approved the offer.

Eight games for any team, firstly. Then, within the playoffs, the most important eliminator should be with the homeaway format, with one home and a second away game. If each team wins a game apiece, the exact result from the league stage really should be used because the tiebreaker.

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En plus, c un britannique contre un chypriote, mme pas de canadien. Pour une ronde de qualification (3e tour). Un peu dcevant que tout aille RDS et qu ne laissent que les grenailles sur la chane gnraliste. The Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts is a largest cultural facility of this type in York Region. The venue will house a 631seat auditorium, a hydraulic orchestra pit, a multipurpose rehearsal hall, an outdoor piazza, a fly tower, gallery space for visual art displays, catering facilities together with the preservation and restoration of the heritage building the original schoolhouse, integrated 1897. The Centre will be located at a corner of Yonge and Wright Streets in downtown Richmond Hill and is particularly expected to function as the catalyst to energise the downtown core..

A smaller court ordered Leegin Creative Leather Products, a Californiabased luxury leather goods company, to compensate more than $3 million in damages after it stopped shipping handbags to Kay's Kloset, a Dallasarea retailer. Leegin cut the grocery store off in 2002 after it repeatedly discounted a brand of popular handbags around 20%. But Phil Smith, person who owns Kay's Kloset, says his business continues to be struggling since losing the handbag line..
HmonbnapДата: Суббота, 19.10.2013, 11:46 | Сообщение # 10
Группа: Гости

Anyway. He asked what position I played when i told him I played quarterback because which has been really the only position I'd been aware of. And weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce. Because pieces are worn with great frequency, you will find a good chance that they will be lost or misplaced. Really, pretty much every woman has lost some hundred dollar earring in her own time. Generally, these everyday pieces are lost since their owners posess zero place to store them.

In addition to being I got asked to help out in Bob Entwistle's 3rd year engineering study with the tunnel I became pretty keen; well that's an understatement, I became incredibly excited. He was exploring the impact of fork design on aerodynamics. On the bike or out with the legs on the rider.

Playboy continued from which Bragger left off, winning the 1949 AJC Derby, sega's Smith's first Group 1 winner, and also the first of 35 derby winners that Smith trained. Playboy at 100/1, brought his horse trainer a significant sum of money. A sizable controversy for Tommy Smith in December of 1950 lead to a 6 years suspension which has been later upheld by AJC.

Hey Mike, I feel its funny the way you tried to create a valid point as well as in the process made yourself look very uneducated, in the event that Micheal is black was your very first uneducated decision. Your 2nd was glorifying other races gangs and wearing them some type of superior pedestal to many other gangs like that was alright to do. Nonetheless I am black and additionally attended UNC Greeley buyers . Micheal there are gangs in Greeley and perhaps they are to be taken just like serious each and every gang anywhere! If it keeps your children at the schools safe I all for those Rule, although its sucks with the kid who seems to be more than likely a Broncos/Manning fan..

Froome described occurs as "quite grippy at the wheels", but otherwise relatively straightforward. "It's yet another day down for people like us. Edvald got to stretch his legs within the final and came second to Cav, that isn't bad going after all considering he has no a leadout train with him.

Brad Franchione: It was actually a long process and most phone calls with Cecil, and lots of questions that Cecil wanted strategies. It took some time to develop a partnership before Cecil could remember that. At that point, it had been a matter of giving Cam a 12month want to make him a more rewarding leader, a significantly better quarterback including a better football player..

Among Israel biggest disappointments was Arik Ze reduction in judo. Ze who won bronze in 2004, was the elder statesman of your entire Olympic team and was confident he complete his career with another medal within the London Games, his last. When he lost after 43 seconds within his first preliminary match, the entire country was devastated..

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If inquired on Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, playboy magazine suggested, calmly but firmly. He has dead, and for that reason is Hitler. National team defender Steve Cherundolo, a Mt. 13 within the Central Bank meeting room in Nicholasville. Case was sponsored with the Jessamine County Chamber of Commerce.Agriculture program makes magazine's top fiveThe Jessamine County Career and Technology Center was recognized on the February issue of The Progressive Farmer magazine as one of the top five "Best Places to educate yourself about Agriculture" in the nation. The middle is in its fourth year and it's a part of Jessamine County Schools.

ETC.: Captains for those game are CB Gardner, S , OT and WR Douglas. Davenport, having been wearing No. 86 in reality, will suit up for that game in No. BMW Sauber now has finished around the podium in any first three races of the year, a feat unmatched by Ferrari or McLaren. It has 30 points to Ferraris 29 and McLarens 28. Kovalainen was fifth, in front of Toyotas Italian Jarno Trulli and Australian Mark Webber inside of a Red Bull.

Their grocer has over 75,000 Dallas Cowboys NFL products and accessories for any part of a Cowboys fan life including auto accessories, bags, hats, cellular accessories cover up for iPhones in addition to other handheld devices, game title skins, golf apparel, pet apparel, tshirts, jerseys, sweatshirts and others.The Fan of sports Playground is a leading provider of top sports equipment and accessories out of the NFL, NHL, MLB, NCAA, WWE, UFC, Barclays Premier League, in addition to other top organizations everywhere. The website recently added a fantastic Nike store section, together with classic autographs, jerseys, hats, and sporting goods equipment from major professional and college sports leagues. The phone store recently expanded its inventory to transport the top sports equipment and equipment for anyone sports including MMA, baseball, hockey, football, cheerleading, golf, soccer, lacrosse, rugby, bowling, camping, hiking, snowboarding, skiing, boxing, boating, cycling and numerous others...

I would reckon that a sizeably number of individuals from HK exchange money too, perhaps on your level up to the Taiwanese which could add more as opposed to the $2 bil. I certainly have a lot of hate mail for my article on the difficulties Japanese car manufacturers have in China as a consequence of political and historical tensions by the way that for those folks, I just now bought a Toyota. At the very least about these articles.

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