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Определены полуфиналисты «Новой Волны 2013»
SavaДата: Среда, 17.04.2013, 15:06 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 650
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5 апреля в киевском концерт-холле «FREEDOM» состоялся Национальный отборочный тур Международных конкурсов молодых исполнителей популярной музыки «Новая Волна 2013» и «Детская Новая Волна 2013».

В президиум вошли: председатель жюри Игорь Крутой, режиссер-постановщик конкурсов Александр Ревзин, музыкальный продюсер конкурса Анастасия Мухина, Народная артистка Украины Ани Лорак, генеральный директор ООО «Телеодин» Валентин Коваль, генеральный директор телеканала «Украина» Марина Миргородская, победительница «Детской Новой Волны - 2010» и «Детского Евровидения-2012» Настя Петрик и финалист «Детской Новой Волны - 2011» Андраник Алексанян.

По итогам прослушивания в Москву на полуфинал «Новой Волны 2013» отправятся следующие конкурсанты: Галина Безрук, Лиза Вассаби, Аркадий Войтюк и Анатолий Шпарев.

Среди детей шанс выступить на полуфинале получили Арсен Шавлюк, Валерия Симулик, Назарий Стинянский, Галина Дубок, София Тарасова и группа «Шпроты».

Полуфинал состоится 21 и 22 апреля в Москве. По его итогам будут определены конкурсанты, которые представят Украину на обоих конкурсах – «Новой Волне 2013» в Юрмале и «Детской Новой Волне 2013» в Артеке.

"Новая волна -2006" 
"Новая волна -2007" 
"Новая волна -2008" 
"Новая волна -2009" 
"Новая волна -2010" 
"Новая волна -2011"
"Новая волна -2012" 
"Новая волна -2013"
'Новая волна -2014'
'Новая волна -2015'
PiprvddwДата: Четверг, 17.10.2013, 10:34 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Гости

badminton players punished for losing intentionally

You may be picturing the sport as barbaric but the sport is full of exceptional athletes, some having competed through the Olympics. It's actually a great sport to look out and there is never an off season. Right now is a great time to be regarded as a fan as Randy "The Natural" Couture comes back yet again after a long lay off.

Enough considering the singing. Another singing policeman was Andy Griffith. Music yes. Friday, Jones started win his first individual medal while in the 50 freestyle. Over 200 people, including 150 freshman packed the auditorium at St. Benedict's to cheer about the school's star.

But like everything, even the Olympics happens to be corrupted by money. How sad? It is a shame so many people have forgotten, or perhaps don't know, with regards to the 1980 hockey Olympics. That's proof, pure as well as simple, that heart and determination are definitely the most important factors in success..

Canstar Sports Inc. Is often a Canadian public company and also world's largest hockey equipment manufacturer. By a number of subsidiaries, it manufactures and distributes ice skates with the Bauer, Micron, Mega, Daoust and Lange famous brands; inline roller skates under the Bauer and Gioca models; Cooper and Flak hockey protective clothing; Cooper and Bauer hockey sticks; hockey jerseys and socks within the Bauer brand name; and Tuuk and ICM ice skate blades.

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Nevertheless it's on the ski slopes where will get the most fun. She comes from a ski family, where her brother Chris (now a St. Anselm's College freshman) had been a member of a state champion St. "We converse about that thing a lot recently, about as a lot smarter, an ideal smart or otherwise not. Just because you here at Lafayette doesn mean you football smart. You will find there's lot of real intelligent guys with the classroom, but that doesn mean it about to carry over.

To receive white foreigners that happen to be believed to have high roles in their own individual cultures for instance business owners, oil tycoons or real estate giants at the ready the Chinese company shows prestige and larger international connections. "Because Western countries are quite developed, people think these are more wealthy, so people imagine that if a company can hire foreigners, it has to have a a lot of money and have imperative connections overseas. While they really want to impress someone, they could roll out a foreigner.".
afy0gwcc4x0Дата: Понедельник, 28.10.2013, 17:02 | Сообщение # 3
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